Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

William James Jones has been called to serve a two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints in the New York Rochester Mission from November 2012 to November 2014.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Mission going so fast!

12 May 2014

This week was pretty good!  To start off we met with our recent convert Jacob Norris and he had a question about patriarchal blessings so we talked about what they are and how you get them with him and he just got his interview to get one with the bishop yesterday.  So that's really cool.  

Also with the less active family the Jorolemans we were able to meet up and teach a non-member named Sean who is living with them and committed him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon.  Sister Joroleman is good at sharing the gospel but she can be a bit pushy so we wanted to make sure that he himself is really interested and not just meeting with us to please her.  We helped the Dada family (a Liberian family that the other set of Elders baptized back in February) pack up a Uhaul for 4 hours Friday. They are moving to somewhere in North Dakota so that's 2 all day moves in the past week.  

We had a really good lesson with Katrina making sure that she is ready for baptism on the 24th.  We went through some of the baptismal interview questions with her and talked a lot about the Restoration with her.  We also met with Bob Bullock and he talked a lot about street smarts and stuff with us and things to be careful of in the city of Rochester.  One thing I didn't realize was that back in the day there was quite a lot of racism in Rochester and a lot of discrimination against certain races.  We also met with an older less active couple and talked a lot about trials and guilt.  That's one thing that I've noticed is that for a lot of less actives there's a feeling of guilt and shame that they aren't able to overcome and that holds them up from coming to church. No one should ever feel unworthy to come to church as church is something that will help us overcome sin especially if people will meet with the bishop for more serious things.  I'm so grateful for the healing power of the atonement and for what it does to help us over come the feelings of guilt and unworthiness.  

Last but not least I got to skype home for the last time before going home with my family.  That's so crazy!   I can't believe that the mission has gone so fast.  I only got a little under 6 months left!  I got to make these last months count!   

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